Doctoral Research

Die Walküre, Bayreuther Festspiele, 2014 (Foto: Enrico Nawrath)
The doctorate in music theatre at the University of Bayreuth is characterised by its tight integration into the project work of the Research Institute for Music Theatre Studies at the University of Bayreuth (fimt). The library and archives at the Institute's headquarters in Thurnau offer ideal opportunities for undisturbed and intensive work. In addition, fimt facilitates lively exchange with national and international exponents of music theatre research. Meanwhile, attendance of the regular colloquia and active involvement in conferences and workshops help candidates take their first steps on the world stage of research. An overview of current and completed doctorates can be found here.
The doctorate is completed with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, usually after 3 years.
Doctoral degrees in the Music & Performance programme are awarded according to the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Languages & Literatures. Interested candidates can apply at any time with an exposé (draft of a doctoral project) and a tabular curriculum vitae to:
Prof. Dr. Anno Mungen
Forschungsinstitut für Musiktheater der Universität Bayreuth
95349 Thurnau
If the exposé receives a positive assessment, applicants can submit an application for acceptance to doctoral studies to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Languages & Literatures on one of two dates per semester.
Information on this can be found at
More documents (in german)
- Promotionsordnung für die Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Bayreuth (Konsolidierte Fassung vom 07. August 2019)
- Prüfungs-, Studien- und Promotionsordnung für den Master-/Promotionsstudiengang Musik und Performance an der Universität Bayreuth vom 10. November 2011 in der geänderten Fassung vom 25.10.2013 – Konsolidierte Fassung
- Prüfungs- und Promotionsordnung für den Master-/Promotionsstudiengang Musik und Performance an der Universität Bayreuth vom 30. Juni 2008
- Flyer